Our school garden has been installed and each Monday we get to spend some time in it. A parent volunteer from another class sets up stations for the kids to choose between, and they absolutely love it!
There is the raking mulch station:
The digging pit (dirt castles! looking for worms!):
The planting station:
And the weeding station:
Last week we also go to go on a bug hunt!
This wasn't really a special project, but the kids thought it was hilarious that they could now write the morning message. :) Every morning we start the day with Morning Meeting, and I write a message that says basically the same thing (Good morning. Today is Tuesday. We have music and gym, as well as a discussion question related to what we've been learning about.) They did this without any help from me. Look how far their writing skills have come!
During WIN time ("What I Need" time, in which students go to different teachers to study different aspects of reading and writing), we had book club, which was a huge hit! The kids got to choose from several different beloved books, read them together or alone, and then draw and share their favorite part.
We also had the Fun Run, and Hat & Hot Dog day last week!
Here are kids having water and popsicles after the Fun Run.
And enjoying some extra recess time:
Watching our principal and custodian grill hundreds of hot dogs!
And building a home for a wooly bear caterpillar someone found in the mini forest: