Sunday, November 17, 2019

Science unit: What do plants and animals need to survive?

In science this fall we've been studying what plants and animals need to survive. We are investigating a fictional school whose garden no longer has any monarch butterflies living there, and using this story as a way to learn about plant parts, habitats, and how plants and animals survive. We've been on an observation walk, grown garlic with and without water, analyzed several types of plants that did and didn't grow, and planted radish seeds. Below are some pictures from our investigations as well as our models of how plants get the water they need!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Fall party

We had a great fall party last week! Thanks to all the parents and family members who sent in treats or volunteered to help. We played Pin the Spider on the Web and fall bingo, painted fall trees, and ate lots of yummy treats. Here are some pictures!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Fall projects

We've been doing lots of fall projects this month, despite a big snowfall in our area! Below are some learning activities we've been working on.

We've been reading lots of fall books, drawing and tracing leaves, decorating paper pumpkins, and doing pumpkin math games.

We did an art project painting leaves with water color and sharpie. These turned out beautiful and so unique!

Each Friday we have Forest Friday with our first grade buddies. This week we observed changes from the last time we were out there - due to the snow, there were lots of changes!

We had the Ally Walk, where we learn about the word "ally," read books and have discussions about what it means to be one, and participate in our school-wide rally to promote a safe space at our school for all people. Below are some pictures from the march around our neighborhood, as well as the posters the kids made.

Si Se Puede is an awesome event put on in our school to honor Hispanic Heritage Month. We had two readers come from the high school to read us a book in Spanish and English which was really fun!