Saturday, June 11, 2016

Kindergarten graduation

This year went by so quickly! I'm so proud of all of our kindergarten graduates.  You will all do so well in first grade! Have a wonderful summer and don't forget to stop by next year.

Zoo field trip

Here are some pictures from last week's zoo field trip. I tried to capture everyone but missed a few kindergarteners who weren't with me during the day. The weather was a bit cold but we got to see lots of animals! Thanks to all our chaperones who came along as well!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Animal research unit: Final projects

This week we finished our last science investigation! Each kindergarten chose an animal they wanted to research. I was amazed by their ability to read books, search the web, and take notes. They have come so far in just one short year! After finishing their research, they each wrote an "All About" book, and then made a model or a poster to share what they learned about their animal. We'll share these with our buddies next week. Here are some pictures of their hard work!

Taking notes from non-fiction books

Searching websites for information

Using their notes to write All About books

Making their models and/or posters

The results! They added labels for body parts when they were finished